Google Personalized search

It’s about time I started blogging again, it’s been a while. A couple of days ago I realized that Google has made a new offering with it’s search services. Google Personalized Search. And almost instantly I was thinking, this looks familiar and you know why. I blogged about something very similar before a while back when I posted about Windows Live Search Macros. It looks like Google are offering a very similar service to WLSM. I have not tried Google’s yet but will be checking it out soon. I guess Google likes some of Microsoft’s…


Google on paper!

Today while I was looking at some books in Whitcoulls, I came accross the following book and surely it got my attention! I guess it should be an interesting read but I don’t think I would buy it, maybe will look for it in the library. Anyone read it? Does it tell much that tech aware people wouldnt know? More info about it can be found here if you are interested.…


Problem using Google Search Box

I just added a Google Search Box to my blog, and at first it wasn’t working, but thanks to Nicit now is. The reason the Search Box wasnt working is due to having nested forms as the Search box code is wrapped with form tags. The solution – in dasblog anyway – add a tag to separate the forms, technically not correct (X)HTML but who cares…! Thanks Nic for the solutions 🙂…


More on GTalk

As I mentioned earlier hereI will continue updating my experiences using GTalk every now and then. Now yesterday I ran into the most annoying thing in GTalk, this could put me off using GTalk for a loong while! One of the features I find very handy in MSN Messenger is the option to save conversations. Now unless I am somewhat blind, GTalk doesnt seem to have this option, very very annoying! I was in a conversation yesterday with someone and after the conversation ended, I wanted to check something from the conversation and bingo, it only keeps a history…


Google Talk

Nic blogged about googletalk hereyesterday and on the NZ.NET Mailing lists seemed to be surpised no one responded. Well to make him happy! Here’s me posting about it. I just downloaded it now and exploring it at the moment. First impression is,the UI lookstoo simple, compared to MSN Messenger which some people feel is a bit klunky, I think Google Talk is just wayyy to plain. More on Google Talk later when I have a deeper play with it.…